BI Intelligence, one of our favorite analyst groups, has a fascinating presentation on online social video being "the next big thing".
Because they are a paid subscription site, we can't link to the presentation.
But we can provide the highlights. These are:
Traditional TV is Declining While the New Online Networks are Booming
We won't bother with the charts showing the decline of traditional TV, but it's happening. Meanwhile, the chart below (click to enlarge) shows the stunning growth in the number of people subscribing to the new online networks.
For a variety of reasons the folks at BI Intelligence aren't suggesting traditional TV is dying, at least not anytime soon. Instead they think much like print and radio, traditional TV will "suffer in style".
By this they mean the traditional TV industry will "go through decades of consolidation and pain" as the industry slowly shrinks.
The Rise of Social Video
We've written quite a bit in the past about the growth of online video, so the trend itself is not new. Nor is the fact that it is rapidly growing.
But the growth continues to amaze. The chart below shows BI Intelligence's estimate of the overall growth of online video streams. The numbers are pretty staggering.
But even more impressive is how fast the online video is growing on Facebook, Snap Chat and YouTube. Their daily video views have basically doubled over the past year to over 30 billion views per day.
This leads us to think that social video is not the next big thing. Instead, we think it already is a big thing.
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