Somebody forgot to tell BCG, Sodexo and Mercer that trends season runs from November to January.
These three large and influential firms all recently released 2017 global trends reports.
The "Big 3" strategy consulting giant BCG report is called Twelve Forces That Will Radically Change How Organizations Work. It has the clever tagline "The New New Way of Working".
BCG covers a lot of ground. Their 12 forces are comprised of 60 sub-trends. So there is way too much to cover here. The report chart below (click to enlarge) shows their 12 megatrends.
Sodexo is one of the world's largest corporations, with somewhere between 400,000 and 500,00 employees (they're so big, they're not even sure).
Their business is focused on what they call "Quality of Life" services. Sodexo is best known for institutional food services. But as their 12 page services brochure shows, there's very little related to facilities management they don't do.
Because of this, their report - The 2017 Global Workplace Trends Report - focuses on workplace trends.
They cover 10 trends and, like the BCG report, there's a lot there. But two trends that jumped out at us are:
1. Unlocking the Potential of Millennial Talent: A New Understanding of What Drives this Generation: The report nicely summarizes a lot of information on millennials.
2. Wellness 3.0: The Workplace as a Wellness Destination: Interesting look at wellness, which is clearly an important workplace trend.
See the report for more on these and the other 8 trends.
Mercer is a global consulting firm focused mostly on human resources issues. Not surprisingly, their report is focused on talent trends. Their 2017 Talent Trends report covers 4 broad trends:
Growth By Design: Driving a bold change agenda
- A Shift In What We Value: A new rewards paradigm is needed
A Workplace For Me: Personalization of the employee experience
- The Quest For Insight: Predictive analytics are still out of reach
Between these 3 reports pretty much every work and business trend of note is covered.
All 3 are well worth reading for those interested in trends. They also overlap and cover many of the same or similar trends.
If your primary interest is workplace related, start with Sodexo's report. If talent trends are of most interest, start with Mercer's. For broader and/or strategy trends, start with BCG's study.