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  • EMERGENT RESEARCH is focused on better understanding the small business sector of the US and global economy.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.

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November 03, 2009


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Megatrends are the great forces in societal development that will very likely affect the future in all areas the next 10-15 years. Many companies and organizations use megatrends in their strategic work. Below, you can gain an overview over the 10 most important megatrends as we head toward 2020.

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Robert was right, people know they are not alone in their struggles, and are letting companies know their banding together

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Is this the zeitgeist.

Adam Kleinberg

Thanks for the post (I wrote the original "marketing megatrends" article)

These trends definitely matter to small business—ironically, and particularly globalization. I saw Bill Clinton speak at the APEC SME Summit in China a month or two ago and he made the point that the world's greatest hope for sustained economic stability and growth was a mass shift in wealth from a handful of enormous, self-interested and as we've learned, precarious, financial institutions to an army of small and medium enterprises in the world doing business with one another. And he cited the internet and companies like Alibaba.com as the catalysts that could make this happen.

So, yeah. Definitely impacts small business.

Robert Dempsey

It's interesting how all 5 of these go together, especially the first four. Communication is now real-time, and people are talking more often to a growing audience. That means more points of view on existing problems and issues. People know they are not alone in their struggles, and are letting companies know their banding together. Thanks for the post.

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